The cost of your project can vary depending on the following details:
- Specific services needed
- Availability of property records
- Previous surveying mapping
- Complexity of the terrain and difficulty of access
- Difficulty of regulatory compliance
- Seasonal conditions and weather at time of survey
Our general pricing guidelines - Review our general pricing ranges to get an idea of what your project may cost. To get a more detailed evaluation, call us for a FREE
estimate of your specific project or to find out more about our projects.
Disclaimer: These prices are an approximate average of cost. Every project is different and could have factors that affect the price. Please call or email with your address and needs for the survey and we will give an accurate proposal for services.
Plat of survey (residential subdivision): $700 - $1200
Plat of survey (rural residential small tract parcels): $1000 - $1500
Plat of survey (rural large tract parcels): Call for estimate
Topographical survey: $750 - $1500
Floodplain FEMA / LOMA certification or Insurance Elevation Certificate: $1000 - $1500
Certified survey map: $2200 - $3500
Commercial construction staking and parking lot staking: $140 per hour, two-man crew,
call for estimate
Residential construction staking: $400 - $800
Legal descriptions (with exhibit): $300 - $600