Are you allowed to use your land the way you want to?
If you own a piece of property, you may think that the way you use it is up to you. Unfortunately, it is not always that simple. Zoning laws regulate the way land can be used and often restrict certain types of use. Let us handle all of the technical and application requirements to manage the zoning and use of your land.
Do you have plans for the development of your property?
When you're considering developing your property, it is important to know the exact boundaries of the land so you can divide it properly and legally. Certified survey mapping is a long process that is used to prepare for the creation of new lots. We're here for you throughout the process to ensure your land is ready for development.
Get Professional Surveys to Prepare For
Designing of streets
Laying out of lots
Division of larger tracts into parcels
Zoning for building on larger parcels
Zoning for use of land for hobbies or jobs
Creating new lots
Modifying existing property lines
Plan for your land development project by calling us
Subdivisions and Planning
Here, we will work with owners and engineers in the designing of streets and laying out of lot for the division of a larger tract of land into 5 or more smaller parcels or buildable sites. We have worked on many plats over the years and are very well versed in the process of getting them approved and through the construction phases of development.
Zoning Surveys
When an owner wants to change or add to a specific parcels zoning, we can handle all the required applications and technical requirements. Zoning surveys are typically used to build on a larger parcel or to add a structure to an existing parcel, or to allow an owner to utilize the property for certain needs or hobbies he or she might have.
Certified Survey Maps
This is a survey that is used in creating 1-4 new lots or building sites or done to modify existing property lines. Typically, this is about a 6 month process where we will handle all the town, village, city, and county requirements for filing applications and preparing necessary documents for these meetings. The owner will need to attend government meetings to answer any questions regarding his or her plans and actions. This process takes a long time, but we handle all the technical and tedious aspects of it so that it really is just a matter of waiting for the process to be completed.
Click here
for more information about each of our land survey services at Williamson Surveying & Associates, LLC.
FREE estimates on survey maps and
zoning services.
Call 608-255-5705.
When you're ready to get started on your land division project, give us a call. We will give you our recommendations and a FREE
estimate to start the planning.